France: Shape Colombia was about discovering my own origins and challenging myself


By Gilles Girodroux-Lavigne - France
Project Coordinator

Colombia is the country where I was born. But as an adopted child, I never knew anything about my origins except “conflict, danger and cocaine”.

One year ago, after my graduation, I took a plane and came here to discover and build my own opinion about Colombia. I left my country (France) without knowing the language, and the real culture, but I had this following plan: “tomorrow I’ll know my daily plan”. It was a scary decision. And I had one reason more: find my biologic family.
Maybe it sounded crazy for a lot of people. But it was the best choice of my life (Hope I do not change that). So I travelled alone with my French humor during 5 months in different parts of Colombia; I lived with Natives, dancing salsa and drinking “aguardiente” during festivals all over the country: Barranquilla, Cali, Santa Marta. I walked in the desert and swam in hot seas.

About the Project, nobody is totally ready for teaching because there are behaviors and costumes proper to each country. And sincerely this was the most interesting! Exchange with them, all the events in each school, share about points of view... and I had imagination and made myself a clown, in a cool way. 

If there is one reason to join the Project, here it is: work on yourself and beat against your weakness as a close minded. Moreover, don’t be shy at all. You should also take into consideration that each person is different, so it’s better to find your own motivations and goals.

One more advice: be brave. 

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