China: and then the childhood dreams came true with Shape Colombia

By Zhao Nuoya (Noah) – China
Bachelor in Psychology

When I was a little boy, I sometimes spent my whole Sunday afternoon reading my favorite atlas. From the atlas I learnt that, in a continent far away from China, there was a country with spectacular jungles and beautiful beaches. People from that country are enthusiastic and passionate and they love a romantic dance called salsa. That country was Colombia.

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When I found the opportunity to work in Shape Colombia Project, I applied for it without any hesitation and the past six months proved that I made one of the best decisions in my life. Colombia captured me with her incredible loveliness. I went to many places that I have been dreaming to visit for many years. My childhood dreams came true.

In addition to the beautiful landscapes of Colombia, the Project itself is also amazing. Working with 200 interns from 45 different nationalities for a better future of Colombian kids is one of the most exciting things I could’ve ever imagined in my life. I met a great number of excellent peers from all over the world and became close friends with many of them. The friendships I established here are the invaluable treasures of my life.

I have decided to stay in Colombia to work in the next Shape Colombia edition. I really believe this project is bringing huge positive impact to Colombian society. I wish you could join us!

 Apply for Shape Colombia and have a great experience with us as well.

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